Droughts and fires

A Quarter of Humanity Faces Looming Water Crises. The New York Times


Climate Change Blamed for Half of Increased Forest Fire Danger. The New York Times


The Earth Ablaze. The New York Times

How Megafires Are Remaking the WorldThe New York Times


Climate Migration Has Come to the United States: Californians Are Opting to Leave the State. The Nation


Wildfire Smoke Is Poisoning California’s Kids. Some Pay a Higher Price. The New York Times


Video: Fires in the Amazon forest linked to political corruption


With Climate Change, Tree Die-Offs May Spread in the West. The New York Times


As Wildfires Burn in West, Ash Rides Wind High Across U.S. The New York Times


In the Sierras, New Approaches to Protecting Forests Under Stress. Yale School of Forestry


Number of Large Fires Rising in the West. Climate Central


Climate Change Sucks Moisture From the West, Adding to Droughts, Fires, Federal Study Reveals. Miami Herald


As Peat Bogs Burn, a Climate Threat Rises. The New York Times


The California Drought's Alarming Toll on ForestsHuffington Post


Global Forest Change Explorer: Track changes in forests using maps. Science in the Classroom