
Chapter 7 activities and units

Page history last edited by Richard Beach 3 months, 3 weeks ago

Project LookSharp: Media Constructions of Global Warming curriculum


Project LookSharp: Media Constructions of Sustainability: Food, Water, and Agriculture curriculum


Project Look Sharp: Video Games and Climate Change


Remember the Rainforest: Activity for students to engage in exploring the benefits of rainforests


Games as a Tool for Education and Action. NAAEE


Role-playing Game Helps Colorado Students Plan for Climate Change HazardsYale Climate Connections


Nick Kello, music teacher. Lessons on teaching about climate change through music. Four lesson unit that explores 1) human connections to nature, 2) climate change science and public debate, 3) analyzing music to express concerns and protest, 4) students creating their own music to challenge dominant discourse on climate change. 


Fedora Schooler, Middle School English teacher in East LA, teaches her 6th and 7th grade students a unit combining critical media literacy with climate change. They explore the power of visual imagery, they construct a timeline of environmental issues during the anthropocene era, they read and watch different books and media about environmental issues, and then students create their own alternative media to respond to the problems of climate change.


HOT: One World, One Climate Curriculum Units: The Simulation

The Climate Crisis Trial: A Role Play on the Roots of Global Warming. 
Zinn Education Project


One World, HOT Climate Change simulation activities with six students from around the world


Teaching with Data, Simulations, and Models. EarthLabs


Standing with Standing Rock: A Role Play on the Dakota Access Pipeline. Zinn Education Project

3M Wind Energy Virtual Lab: Students engage in a simulation to create wind energy


EPA: Global Warming Wheel Card: Students determine emissions amount in their homes


Dirty Oil and Shovel-Ready Jobs: A Role Play on Tar Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline


“Don’t Take Our Voices Away”: A Role Play on the Indigenous Peoples’ Global Summit on Climate Change


Drama activity role play.docx



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