

Page history last edited by Richard Beach 8 months ago

Welcome to the wiki resource site for the book, Teaching Climate Change to Adolescents: Reading, Writing, and Making a Difference, by Richard Beach, Jeff Share, and Allen Webb


The purpose of the book, Teaching Climate Change to Adolescents: Reading, Writing, and Making a Difference, published by Routledge Press and co-distributed by the National Council of Teachers of English, is to provide English language arts (ELA) teachers with pedagogy, frameworks, resources, lessons, and activities for engaging with issues and aspects of climate change through literature, composition, speaking/listening, and media/digital literacy units. 


"Teaching Climate Change to Adolescents is THE essential resource for middle and high school teachers to help their students understand and address the urgent issues and challenges facing life on Earth today." Yale Climate Connections: Nine Climate Change Books for Teachers


All royalties for this book are contributed to the Alliance for Climate Education; see their Our Climate Our Future curriculum.


Check out our ETCCC. (English Teachers Concerned about Climate Change) blog, an article in NCTE's Council Chronicle about the book, and the lead article in the American Federation of Teachers, American Educator magazine, "Climate Change in the Classroom: A Natural Part of English Language Arts."


Here's presentations on teaching about climate change at the 2019 to 2022 National Council of Teachers of English conference and at the Literacy Research Association


See also the website for the book, Youth Media Creation on the Climate Change Crisis: Hear Our Voices, published by Routledge in 2023.


For the book's Table of Contents see the Sidebar to the right. Click on each chapter, for links to sites and resources, class activities and units, and further reading related to the topics in these chapters. To search for content, go to the Search box in the upper right corner.


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